Faith in Yourself Comes from the Faith in God

I am not perfect. It is an idea that escapes every single one of us brothers and sisters because God is the only one who is perfect. So the idea of believing in yourself and having the utmost faith in yourself also escapes many of us and seems almost impossible.

Something that I have recently discovered, however, might help with this constant struggle to believe in yourself that you can do it; that you can achieve greatness if you work hard; that you can become an Afrocentric Jukeboxx. Although, the answer to achieving faith in yourself is to first have the utmost faith in God. See, Proverbs 3:5-6 even tells you to "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Hence, if you are struggling with something and believe that you are unfit, or if you are telling yourself that you cannot do it, the first thing that should come to your mind is this Proverb telling you to trust in the Lord and submit yourself to him that he may fix your problem and/or straighten the answer out for you to understand. Having this faith in God allows us all to trust that the Lord will take care of us. And having this knowledge allows us who believe in him to have more confidence in ourselves because God is always with us when we cast our problems to him (Psalm 55:22).

Furthermore, one thing that you should not be doing is being pessimistic. I see this all of the time, whether from the mouths of myself or from the mouths of my friends and family or from the mouths of an acquaintance or a passerby, I hear us all talking about what we cannot do, admitting and worst of all accepting that we are disabled in our situation. Not only is this the wrong way of boosting your morale, but the words that you speak into existence truly do affect your life. Proverbs 15:4 says, "Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." This verse not only applies to your words on other people but also to your words on yourself. Your words are like honey nourishing the soul once you speak niceness and kindness into existence (Proverbs 16:24). As an article puts this, "Our words are stones. We are nothing but stone throwers with each word we speak. If our words contain beauty people treasure them. If our words contain pain people toss them aside, but not until after they have had to deal with the wound they caused" (Victoria). Don't let the words you tell yourself or the words you tell others to be a stone as a means of breaking and battering, but a stone as a means of creating a strong foundation meant to encourage and for building onto. Speak positivity and encouragement when enduring a difficult task. Once you do, calling to the Lord and trusting in him will come to as well.

As I stated in the beginning, none of us are perfect. We are not always going to be able to achieve these tasks for they are indeed difficult to some. And although this is negativity within itself, this is not pessimism, yet the understanding that these reasons are why we lean unto the Lord for the straightening of our paths. That these reasons are why we all need to stay positive so that the number of times we are negative towards ourselves and one another decreases and decreases with every word and every action we put into existence. As an Afrocentric Jukeboxx, I also struggle to accomplish my own advice or heed the advice of others, but the reason why I am an Afrocentric Jukeboxx is that I do not give up on myself. I continue to grow and grow because of perseverance; I see the growth in my actions. And so will you, too, as long as you do not give up on yourself and you trust in the Lord with all of your heart.

- The Afrocentric Jukeboxx

Here are the links to whatever I have mentioned or quoted in this article. Enjoy them and study whatever topic it contains so that you may understand for yourself whatever topic I discussed. If you agree or disagree with me or have a question or response please leave a comment and we will love to have a discussion of our own. You can also tweet a concern to @AJJukeboxx. Thank you for reading!

  • Good Reading:

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