Bummy Getaway- The Story Behind the Album

Actions do have tremendous consequences, and the Lord does see all.
Bummy Getaway is the second music album that The Afrocentric Jukeboxx and The SterlingMan have produced. This album tells the story of a man who seemed to think that he could run away from all of his guilt through joy and happiness, yet he realizes too late that it was a pretense. Instead of changing, though, he fails to learn his lesson and continues to commit his crimes. The man in this story is The SterlingMan.
Check out Album #2 by searching The Afrocentric Jukeboxx on YouTube or Soundcloud or click on the links below! For updates on music, gaming, or on The Afrocentric Jukeboxx follow The Afrocentric Jukeboxx on Instagram, @theafrocentricjukeboxx, or on Twitter, @AJJukeboxx, and subscribe to the YouTube channel. Music Maker Jam users follow @Afrocentric Jukeboxx.
- Links
- We have a YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Page, Soundcloud, and a Mixlr! Follow us on our platforms!
Soundcloud: The Afrocentric Jukeboxx
Twitch (coming soon): theafrocentricjukeboxx
Instagram: @theafrocentricjukeboxx
Twitter: @AJJukeboxx
Facebook Page: @theafrocentricjukeboxx
Mixlr: The Afrocentric Jukeboxx
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